Norwich Over the Wensum Neighbourhood Forum
We all care about what happens to the places where we live and work
NOWNF is a group of residents, and people who work, in the Norwich Over the Wensum area. We want to empower everyone who lives or works in this unique part of Norwich to have a say in its future.
We have formed a Neighbourhood Forum – a type of organisation designated by local authority as a suitable body to write a Neighbourhood Plan.
By thoroughly engaging with local residents and workers, we hope to create a plan which supports the vision of all those who live and work in the area. We want everyone to be involved and to have a chance to give your opinion.
This is a big undertaking, if you would like to be involved in however large or small a way in supporting the process, please use the sign up link to join, or just to get updates from our mailing list.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
Neighbourhood Plan
The Localism Act allows communities to make their own plan for development in their neighbourhood. This is a Neighbourhood Plan and sits alongside other Council planning policy. Before becoming policy it is voted on by local people in a referendum organised by the Council. It is written by involving the people who live and work in the area and focusing on their vision along with input from experts in planning, architecture and history as needed.
A Neighbourhood Plan can help prevent inappropriate development, so that future development is more likely to protect and enhance what is good in the area and to maintain its character.
Neighbourhood Forum
Within a city, under the Localism Act, the local community sets up a Neighbourhood Forum to run the process of preparing a Neighbourhood Plan. The Forum’s membership is made up of people who live or work within the designated area and must represent the diversity of the area. The Forum also must have a Constitution and governance procedures to satisfy the council that it is accountable to its members. Have a look at our Purpose & Governance page for more.
Latest News
Anglia Square Redevelopment: Cancelled
It’s been all over the news that Weston Homes have backed out of their plans to redevelop Anglia Square. Here are some of the stories …

Some resources you may find useful including links to neighbourhood planning websites and also downloadable documents.

This survey is to gather initial information to inform what the NOW Neighbourhood Forum should focus on when producing a neighbourhood plan for the area.