On Tuesday 22nd November 2022, the Norwich Over The Wensum Neighbourhood Forum will be holding its first Annual General Meeting since being formed just over a year ago. As well as the business that must be discussed at our AGM, such as renewing the appointment of the forum’s officers and approving the forum’s budget for the year, we will be discussing how we move forward into the next phase of creating a neighbourhood plan.
We have been in contact with some consultants who might be able to support us, and one of our key decisions at this meeting is whether we want to accept that offer, and therefore seek funding on that basis.
The meeting is being held online via Zoom. We look forward to seeing members and discussing the next years of the NOW Neighbourhood Forum.
Members should have had an email with the agenda and an RSVP link. However, if you missed that or just want to ask more about it, please email us at info@norwichoverthewensum.org.uk.